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Made Easy

What started as a step outside of a comfort zone became a dream come true.

In 2017 owner, Alina Thompson, was invited to work in a High Point Market showroom as a market helper. Being an introvert, this was far outside of her comfort zone. Knowing nothing about furniture manufacturing or interior design, she memorized the entire market book and made memorable connections. By the time market was wrapping up, two reps had decided to take a chance and let her manage their Instagram accounts. Over the next year, she picked up more and more accounts, learning new skills and offering new services. 6 years later, it's grown into a full-fledged digital marketing agency that helps furniture companies, sales reps, interior designers, and small businesses. Alina has a heart for the underdogs and truly believes that a solid investment in organic growth on relevant digital marketing platforms can help your business grow and reach customers you didn't even know were out there.

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"Don't let your story go untold."
- Susan Rushmore

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